Learning Outcome

1.  Appraise the issue relevant to character design in various contexts


I chose NOBITA, a main character from "Doraemon", legendary Japanese manga and TV cartoon series.The major target of this cartoon series is children. Due to it is a manga, the artist has to draw repeatedly, so the simple shape of each character and unique clothes are perfect choices to make children can remember these characters for long time.

The artist drew Nobita wearing eye glasses, a yellow polo shirt with a white collar, and blue shorts. This plain looking is not only for making audience easily remember him, but also to making Nobita not a hero but a normal boy that can looks like one of audience's friend. Moreover, the artist choose to draw him in round soft shapes. The shapes makes audiences feel comfortable to look at him and this can refer to his friendly as well.
Another character I chose are characters from The Sims

Becuase this game's aim is to creature virtua world. The characters have to be designed by players. The styles of characters are realistic based on various of ages, facial and body shapes, skin colours, hair styles and make-ups as well as clothes. This stimulate player to care about the characters that be created  by themselve and relate to situation in the real world.

2.  Make informed choices relating to the creation of artwork designed to meet professional requirements.


This is demonstrated in the process of creation at the final version of my ICA submission Prison Key Scene.

Developement of the key scene.

3. Demonstrate an understanding of techniques and methods appropriate to the chosen area of design.


To design a warden I did many drawing of him on paper and try to design him in various appearances and emotions. Then, I chose one of emotion and drew him in Illustrator.

I tested the color of him in Photoshop.

I did models of my prisoner in Google Sketch up and use it in the process of creation my Prison Key scence.

4. Investigate and synthesise visual research into the creation of original concepts.


These are the moodboards of my research on developing ideas of the head warden and interia prison area.

And these are my final pieces based on the above researchs.

The final design of head warden.
The final design of head warden.
The interior environment.

5. Evaluate and defend own work in the context of contemporary practice.


At the first when I recieve the brieft of this module's assignment. I glad that I can use my imagination on create alien prisoners. I intend to make this brief suite to cartoon series for young audiences. I prefer designing characters than environment. However, this modules is a good challenge of my ability to balance both sides.

I intend to stylise my characters becuase my goal is to be a concept artist for animation that tends to have stylish than realistic. Therfore, this is a good practice for me.

When I started work on it, I realised that it not easy as I thought. People may think my artwork is too simple, but it really not easy to draw. My works always recieve feedback that there are many little detials should be edited. I understand that I need to take more time on my drawing, every single line has to be drawn carefully because it is simple and it is easily to see the mistakes.

The lecturer guided me a lot in this module. On my prisoner key scene, I drew too complex. I tried to make it look 3D. Then, he told me to make it as simple as I can. Then, I only drew carefully, focused on shape, used some textue and finalised it in a good mood.

I considered that my works quite success well from what I intend to do at the beginning. To make this brief suit for children cartoon series. My prison and all characters looks appealing in term of their personalities and color. However, one major problem in my works is shape. I always draw too quickly and that make the shapes of my drawing are sometimes too bubbling or distorted.

6. Expore and evaluate the appropriate skills relevant to the creation of character design.


The skill techniques I approved in this module are :
Sketch and coloring :

Coloring :

Composition :

For my sketching skill, I'm quite good in term of gain ideas and draw many interesting charactes, but I also have a problem of carefully draw line and shape.

I always use vivid color in my works, that is good to catch the intension and make the work lifely, but sometimes I need to think about the meaning of colour and the way that is effect to the chracter's personalities.

I'm considers myself not good enough the draw place, building or environment. Anyway, digital tools and programes help me some point. The composition in my works are not bad, but sometimes it is not convincing. To solve this problem, I have to draw everything simply and carefully.

7. Operate ethically demonstrating critical understanding of the issues governing good practice.


Before I strated my work, I always check that my idea is fresh one. I understand that plagiarism and copy are illegal especially in game and animation industry, and I make sure that my work is from my original ideas. Anything I used from others, I will declare as my references.

8. Demonstrate an independent and reflective approach to personal and professional development.


This is demonstrated in my develope of designing a warden. At first I design him too messy. Audiences will not have a clue that he is human or alien.

Then, I design him as human. I tried to draw him in various emotions. Then chose one that can show his personality the best to be colored.

At last step, I tested him with color and I chose the pink one.

Warden final design
To approve the assignment, all of these works have been done outside the class by my independent time. I got a lot of feedbacks and some guiding ideas from lectures in the class.

9. Exibit professional communication skill in the specialist area.


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